The Boy Scouts of America designates the Sunday that falls before February 8 (Scouting Anniversary Day) as Scout Sunday, which is the primary date to recognize the contributions of young people and adults to Scouting. However, each chartered organization can use either of two other options to celebrate this special day. An organization can adopt a specific Sunday to celebrate. In the instance of the United Methodist Church, Scout Sunday is celebrated on the second Sunday in February. It also is permissible for a local church to celebrate on the Sunday most acceptable to the pastor and congregation.
Join Pack 108 as we participate in the 11am Service at Unity Presbyterian Chruch. The boys will greet Parishioners, hand out bulletins, provide the readings for the service and then hold the doors for everyone as they leave the service. This is a great opportunity to give back to the Church that provides Pack 108 with our Charter. If you are interested in participating email Joey Ware (AOL Den Leader) for more information.
See Pack 108 Perform at SCOUT SUNDAY 2023. Thank You to Unity Church for allowing us to be a part of the Service!