Category: Alert/ Announcement

PACK 108 T-Shirts We are doing another Class B order. Families have the option of buying additional shirts for 15.00/each- so Mom and Dad can each have their own!! We understand Yellow isn’t the most preferred color but yellow makes it easier to see our Scouts and for our Scouts to see their Leaders when […]
It is Recharter Time!! This means that we need a full headcount of all scouts and leaders that will be returning to Pack 108 for the year 2024. DEADLINE TO RECHARTER 12/02/2023 How to recharter? There is a FORM below: enter YES, my scout will be returning or NO, my scout will not be returning […]
  Attention Pack 108 Families Scoutbook is currently having difficulty sending emails to person’s with Apple/Comcast/Microsoft email addresses. This is not something Pack 108 can fix internally, so for the mean time Den Leaders and Scout Leaders will be reaching out to communicate updates via direct emails and text messages. This website will also have […]
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