Recharter 2024

It is Recharter Time!! This means that we need a full headcount of all scouts and leaders that will be returning to Pack 108 for the year 2024.


How to recharter? There is a FORM below: enter YES, my scout will be returning or NO, my scout will not be returning and enter your Scout or Scouts’ name.  If you don’t have 2 Scouts in the program, you can leave the 2nd Scout area blank. 



My scout is an AOL, do I still need to recharter?

How much are dues for 2024? Here is the dues breakdown:

$100 Pack 108 Dues (These funds go DIRECTLY to Pack 108)
$198 — Total per scout for a FULL YEAR 2024 of Scouting (a + b + c = d)

My scout sold popcorn OR I already paid dues in August/September/October 2023 – Do I have to pay AGAIN?

NEW SCOUTS Joined this Fall 2023 – You should have already paid your dues for 2024.
RETURNING SCOUTS – We have historically collected dues in December – YOUR DUES WILL NEED TO BE PAID
ALL SCOUTS – The official total that each scout owes will be emailed to each scout’s parents with a breakdown of what is owed – this will be based on popcorn sales/popcorn buyout owed or any other fundraising completed. The amount I send you in your personal email will be the amount that you OWE and will need to be paid by 12/02/2023.

What do the dues I pay go towards?

The Council and National dues are paid directly to Scouts BSA and are charged for each scout enrolled. Our pack does not receive any of these funds for operating. It is all paid to the BSA.
The Pack dues of $100 stay in our pack. What does the pack do with these funds? These funds are used to pay for, but not limited to the following:
Leader dues (So we can have trained leaders to help run the pack)
Advancements (for each belt loop/patch/pin, materials, and den budgets)
Campouts/Discounted Campouts (making camping accessible to many scouts by paying for the scout or to help offset cots of some events)
Events (Pinewood Derby (food is typically provided and pinewood derby cars for each scout who recharters),
Blue & Gold, Goldrush – These are the big events that we like to make sure all scouts are able to participate)


Did Pack Dues go up?

Yes, Pack 108 dues were raised by $23 for 2024. Historically, dues for Pack 108 have been the same for the last 4 years ($175 total).
We want to be able to continue to provide a quality program and continue to be active. Any other sports or activities are about the same cost per season, our dues cover a whole year!


PLEASE DO NOT FORGET TO RECHARTER YOUR SCOUT BY 12/02/2023 (The day of the Christmas Parade)

– We MUST have this information.


Thank you and have a wonderful day!



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