Pinewood is funded solely by fall popcorn sales.
If this is your first time, you might feel a little lost but do not worry. You will find a source of help in our Scout leaders and from adults with previous derby experience.
Important Pinewood Derby Events
- Car kits will be provided to Scouts at December and January pack meeting. If you have not received a Pinewood Derby Car, please contact Jarod Mohlmaster.
- Test N Tune – Thursday Feb 27, 2025 from 6:30-8:00pm: The track will be set up so cars can be tested. Cars do not need to be painted but they must be fully built to run down the track. Small tools will be onsite to make minor adjustments as well as many seasoned family’s to help achieve the best performance of your car. Scales will be on hand to weight your car as well.
- Impound Night Tuesday March 4, 2025 6:30-8:00pm: Cars are measured, weighed, named and impounded. Please bring them in a box with your name on them. BRING YOUR COMPLETED ENTRY FORM
- Race Day Setup Friday March 7, 2025 6:00pm- Until Complete (Adults only)
- Race Day! Saturday March 8, 2025 10:00am -2:00pm Races Start promptly at 10:00am. Each car will race 4x times so we make sure to start on time to be done by 1pm. Lunch food will be provided as well. All family members are welcome to attend!
Trophies and Design Awards
Trophies will be awarded to the first, second and third-place speed finishers in each rank and over-all for the Pack.
Design Awards are typically given for the following but may change from year to year.
∗ Pit Crew Favorite
∗ Best Non-Car
∗ Best Paint Job
∗ Blue & Gold (Cub Scout Spirit)
∗ Good Sport
∗ Looks like an Animal
∗ Most Aerodynamic
∗ Most creative use of Materials
∗ Most Original
∗ Most Realistic Looking